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Beschreibung: Ubiquitin (Ub) plays a very important role in regulated non-lysosomal ATP dependent protein degradation. The protein to be degraded is conjugated to Ub and the ubiquinated protein is then selectively degraded by the 26S complex, a multicatalytic cytosolic and nuclear protease. The Ub-proteasome proteolytic pathway, which is a complex process, is implicated to be of great importance for regulating numerous cellular processes.

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Beschreibung: Hsp47, also known as colligin and gp46, is an ER-resident collagen-specific stress glycoprotein involved in the synthesis and assembly of varoius collagens as a molecular chaperone.

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Beschreibung: Calreticulin (CRT) is a multifunctional, multi-compartmental protein most abundant in the ER lumen. CRT contains the ER-retrieval sequence, KDEL, and has been best characterized as a soluble molecular chaperone of new or misfolded proteins and a Ca2+- binding protein. Both CRT and its membrane bound homolog, Calnexin (CNX) interact with proteins and glycoproteins that have monoglucosylated N-glycans. The CRT/CNX cycle promotes correct folding, inhibits aggregation of folding intermediates, blocks premature oligimerization, regulates ER degradation, and provides quality control by preventing incompletely folded glycoproteins from exiting to the Golgi complex.

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Artikel-Nr: (ENZOADISPA1101E)
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ADISPA1101E
Beschreibung: Hsp 110 belongs to a family of large stress proteins known as the Hsp110/SSE family, the mostly overlooked relatives of the well studied Hsp70 family. Members of this group, while significantly larger and containing sequences not present in the Hsp70 family, share 30-33% amino acid identity with members of the Hsp70 family, mostly in the conserved ATP-binding domain. Presently, all identified members of the Hsp70-like sequences belong to either the Hsp70 family or the Hsp110/SSE family. Hsp110 appears to be a normal constituent of mammalian cells with highest expression in the brain, and its induction by heat shock strongly correlates with cellular thermotolerance. Hsp110 may contribute to RNA stability, and its capacity to bind peptide has made Hsp110 a promising immunoadjuvant in anti-tumor vaccine development.
UOM: 1 * 100 µG

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Beschreibung: Ubiquitin (Ub) plays a very important role in regulated non-lysosomal ATP dependent protein degradation. The protein to be degraded is conjugated to Ub and the ubiquinated protein is then selectively degraded by the 26S complex, a multicatalytic cytosolic and nuclear protease. The Ub-proteasome proteolytic pathway, which is a complex process, is implicated to be of great importance for regulating numerous cellular processes.

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Artikel-Nr: (ENZOADISPA450E)
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ADISPA450E
Beschreibung: Hsp40/Hdj1 is a cytosolic co-chaperone belonging to the class DnaJ, named after its homolog in <i>E. coli</i>. Hsp40 functions in protein folding by binding nascent peptides and unfolded substrates and facilitating substrate interaction with Hsp70.
UOM: 1 * 100 µG

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Beschreibung: Hsp27 is one of the most common members of the highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed family of small heat shock proteins (sHsp), which also includes alphaB-crystallin. It is characterized by a conserved C-terminal alpha-crystallin domain consisting of two anti-parallel beta-sheets that promote oligomer formation required for its primary chaperone function as inhibitor of irreversible protein aggregation. Hsp27 oligomerization is modulated by post-translational phosphorylation of Hsp27 at three serine residues, Ser15, Ser78, and Ser82, by a variety of protein kinases including MAPKAPK-3, PKAc-alpha, p70 S6K, PKD I, and PKC-delta. Hsp27 has been shown to inhibit actin polymerization by binding of unphosphorylated Hsp27 monomers to actin intermediate filaments. Anti-apoptotic functions of Hsp27 have also been identified through interactions with DAXX7, activation of Akt, and inhibition of apoptosome formation. Evidence suggests altered expression of Hsp27 is implicated in the pathogenesis of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer.

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Beschreibung: The Hsp60 of Heliothis viescens belongs to a highly conserved family of molecular chaperones from several species, including plant Hsp60 (known as Rubisco binding protein), GroEL, the E.coli Hsp60, and 65 kDa major antigen of mycobacteria. In eukaryotes, Hsp60 is localized in the mitochondrial matrix, and in plants Hsp60 is localized in the chloroplast. Mitochondria, chloroplasts and bacteria share a common ancestry (>1 billion years), and this coupled with the high degree of homology between the divergent Hsp60s suggests that these proteins perform a primitive but vital function similar to all the different species. The common characteristics shared by the Hsp60s from the divergent species include high abundance; induction with environmental stress such as heat shock; homo-oligomeric structures of either 7 or 14 subunits which reversibly dissociate in the presence of Mg2+ and ATP; ATPase activity; and a role in folding and assembly of oligomeric protein structures. Studies support these similarities, showing expression of the single-ring human mitochondrial homolog Hsp60 with its co-chaperonin Hsp10, in a E. coli strain engineered so that the groE operon remained under strict regulatory control. The findings demonstrate that expression of Hsp60-Hsp10 enabled successful performance of all essential in vivo functions of GroEL and its co-chaperonin, GroES. Consistent with their functions as chaperones, Hsp60 and Hsp10 may act as docking molecules with a passive role in the maturation of caspase processing. Data incidates that recombinant Hsp60 and Hsp10 accelerate the activation of procaspase-3 by cytochrome c and dATP in an ATP-dependent manner. Hsps are intracellular proteins thought to serve protective functions against infection and cellular stress; however, several studies reveal a possible link between members of the Hsp60 and a number of autoimmune diseases, atherosclerosis, and chlamydial disease.

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Beschreibung: The multifunctional, multi-compartmental protein Calreticulin (Crt) functions as a soluble molecular chaperone of new or misfolded proteins as well as a Ca2+-binding protein. Most abundant in the ER lumen, Crt expression also occurs in other membrane-bound organelles, the cell surface, and extracellularly. Also known as CRP-55, calregulin and HACBP (high affinity calcium-binding protein), Crt contains the ER-retrieval sequence, KDEL, and is the soluble paralog of the ER membrane protein Calnexin (Cnx). Crts three domains include a 180 residue N-terminal domain, a proline-rich P-domain (residues 189-288) that binds Ca2+ with high affinity and shares homology with Cnx and calmegin, and a 110 residue C-terminal domain that binds Ca2+ with low affinity but high capacity. The P-domain may interact with the co-chaperone ERp57 (Grp58), a thiol reductase. The NMR structure of the P-domain consists of an extended hairpin that appears to form a curved protrusion from the Crt core domain. Both Crt and its membrane bound homolog CNX interact with proteins and glycoproteins possessing monoglucosylated N-glycans. The Crt/Cnx cycle promotes correct folding, inhibits aggregation of folding intermediates, blocks premature oligomerization, regulates ER degradation, and prevents incompletely folded glycoproteins from exiting to the Golgi complex. Crt also appears to function as an auto-antigen in systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, complete congenital heart block, and halothane hepatitis. A diversity of additional functions attributed to Crt includes adhesion, blood function, and cardiac and neuronal development gene expression.

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Beschreibung: Hsp27 is one of the most common members of the highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed family of small heat shock proteins (sHsp), which also includes alphaB-crystallin. It is characterized by a conserved C-terminal alpha-crystallin domain consisting of two anti-parallel beta-sheets that promote oligomer formation required for its primary chaperone function as inhibitor of irreversible protein aggregation. Hsp27 oligomerization is modulated by post-translational phosphorylation of Hsp27 at three serine residues, Ser15, Ser78, and Ser82, by a variety of protein kinases including MAPKAPK-3, PKAc-alpha, p70 S6K, PKD I, and PKC-delta. Hsp27 has been shown to inhibit actin polymerization by binding of unphosphorylated Hsp27 monomers to actin intermediate filaments. Anti-apoptotic functions of Hsp27 have also been identified through interactions with DAXX7, activation of Akt, and inhibition of apoptosome formation. Evidence suggests altered expression of Hsp27 is implicated in the pathogenesis of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer.

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Beschreibung: Calreticulin (CRT) is a multifunctional, multi-compartmental protein most abundant in the ER lumen. CRT contains the ER-retrieval sequence, KDEL, and has been best characterized as a soluble molecular chaperone of new or misfolded proteins and a Ca2+- binding protein. Both CRT and its membrane bound homolog, Calnexin (CNX) interact with proteins and glycoproteins that have monoglucosylated N-glycans. The CRT/CNX cycle promotes correct folding, inhibits aggregation of folding intermediates, blocks premature oligimerization, regulates ER degradation, and provides quality control by preventing incompletely folded glycoproteins from exiting to the Golgi complex.

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Artikel-Nr: (ENZOADISPA757D)
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ADISPA757D
Beschreibung: The Hsp70 family of heat shock protiens contains multiple homologs ranging in size from 66-78 kDa, and are the eukaryotic equivalents of the bacterial DnaK. The most studied Hsp70 members include the cytosolic stress-induced Hsp70 (Hsp72), the constitutive cytosolic Hsc70 (Hsp73), and the ER-localized BiP (Grp78). Hsp70 family members contain highly conserved N-terminal ATP-ase and C-terminal protein binding domains. Binding of peptide to Hsp70 is assisted by Hsp40, and stimulates the inherent ATPase activity of Hsp70, facilitating ATP hydrolysis and enhanced peptide binding. Hsp70 nucleotide exchange and substrate binding coordinates the folding of newly synthesized proteins, the re-folding of misfolded or denatured proteins, coordinates trafficking of proteins across cellular membranes, inhibits protein aggregation, and targets the degradation of proteins via the proteasomal pathway.
UOM: 1 * 50 µG

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Beschreibung: The Hsp70 family of heat shock protiens contains multiple homologs ranging in size from 66-78 kDa, and are the eukaryotic equivalents of the bacterial DnaK. The most studied Hsp70 members include the cytosolic stress-induced Hsp70 (Hsp72), the constitutive cytosolic Hsc70 (Hsp73), and the ER-localized BiP (Grp78). Hsp70 family members contain highly conserved N-terminal ATP-ase and C-terminal protein binding domains. Binding of peptide to Hsp70 is assisted by Hsp40, and stimulates the inherent ATPase activity of Hsp70, facilitating ATP hydrolysis and enhanced peptide binding. Hsp70 nucleotide exchange and substrate binding coordinates the folding of newly synthesized proteins, the re-folding of misfolded or denatured proteins, coordinates trafficking of proteins across cellular membranes, inhibits protein aggregation, and targets the degradation of proteins via the proteasomal pathway.

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Beschreibung: The tetrapeptide KDEL, located at the carboxy-terminal sequences of luminal proteins, is a retrieval motif essential for the precise sorting of these proteins along the secretory pathway. KDEL proteins perform essential functions in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) related to protein folding as well as assembly. The localization of chaperones and other soluble proteins to the ER is achieved by their continuous retrieval from post-ER compartments by the KDEL receptor (Erd2p), which is a membrane protein localized in the Golgi apparatus.

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Beschreibung: The Hsp70 family of heat shock proteins contains multiple homologs ranging in size from 66-78 kDa, and are the eukaryotic equivalents of the bacterial DnaK. The most studied Hsp70 members include the cytosolic stress-induced Hsp70 (Hsp72), the constitutive cytosolic Hsc70 (Hsp73), and the ER-localized BiP (Grp78). Hsp70 family members contain highly conserved N-terminal ATP-ase and C-terminal protein binding domains. Binding of peptide to Hsp70 is assisted by Hsp40, and stimulates the inherent ATPase activity of Hsp70, facilitating ATP hydrolysis and enhanced peptide binding. Hsp70 nucleotide exchange and substrate binding coordinates the folding of newly synthesized proteins, the re-folding of misfolded or denatured proteins, coordinates trafficking of proteins across cellular membranes, inhibits protein aggregation, and targets the degradation of proteins via the proteasomal pathway.

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Artikel-Nr: (ENZOADISPA815PEE)
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ADISPA815PEE
Beschreibung: The Hsp70 family of heat shock protiens contains multiple homologs ranging in size from 66-78 kDa, and are the eukaryotic equivalents of the bacterial DnaK. The most studied Hsp70 members include the cytosolic stress-induced Hsp70 (Hsp72), the constitutive cytosolic Hsc70 (Hsp73), and the ER-localized BiP (Grp78). Hsp70 family members contain highly conserved N-terminal ATP-ase and C-terminal protein binding domains. Binding of peptide to Hsp70 is assisted by Hsp40, and stimulates the inherent ATPase activity of Hsp70, facilitating ATP hydrolysis and enhanced peptide binding. Hsp70 nucleotide exchange and substrate binding coordinates the folding of newly synthesized proteins, the re-folding of misfolded or denatured proteins, coordinates trafficking of proteins across cellular membranes, inhibits protein aggregation, and targets the degradation of proteins via the proteasomal pathway.
UOM: 1 * 100 µG

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