TriLink® Engineered RNase Inhibitor


E-0075-01 E-0075-05
SOLUE-0075-01EA 59.1 CHF
SOLUE-0075-01 SOLUE-0075-05
TriLink® Engineered RNase Inhibitor
Nukleinsäure-Reagenzien RNA Synthese und Transkription

Engineered RNase Inhibitor is a protein to inhibit RNase activities to prevent RNA degradation in IVT.

  • Prevents degradation of synthesized RNA in vitro transcription (IVT)

  • Engineering improves resistance to oxidation compared to the human/porcine RNase inhibitors

  • Grade: Molecular biology

Engineered RNase Inhibitor binds to ribonucleases A, B, and C in a 1:1 stoichiometry with femtomolar affinity and renders them unable to bind or degrade RNA. Engineered RNase Inhibitor has significantly improved resistance to oxidation compared to the human/porcine RNase inhibitors and is stable at low DTT concentrations.

The provided 60 and 530 µg pack sizes contain approximately 3000 units and 26500 units of enzymes, respectively. One unit of the enzyme inhibits the activity of 5 ng of RNase A by 50%.

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