Protein extraction kits, BugBuster® Plus Lysonase™

Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)

71370-3 71370-4
71370-3EA 605 CHF
71370-3 71370-4
Protein extraction kits, BugBuster® Plus Lysonase™
Protein-Extraktion Protein Extraction Kits

BugBuster® Plus Lysonase™ includes BugBuster Protein Extraction Reagent and Lysonase Bioprocessing Reagent, an optimised, ready-to-use blend of rLysozyme™ and Benzonase® Nuclease in a single kit. This powerful combination of two reagents allows maximum recovery of active soluble protein from both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The BugBuster® and rLysozyme™ efficiently lyse the bacterial cells while the Benzonase® degrades nucleic acids to facilitate downstream processing. Requires 5 ml BugBuster and 10 µl Lysonase per 1 g cell paste. The kits provide sufficient reagents for protein extraction from 20 g or 100 g cell paste.

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