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Artikel-Nr: (SYGEGA1000-05C)
Lieferant: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : GA1000-05C
Beschreibung: Gibson Assembly® Positive Control, 5 reactions
UOM: 1 * 5 Tests

Lieferant: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Beschreibung: The Gibson Assembly® Ultra Kit provides a robust and efficient method to seamlessly construct synthetic genes, genetic pathways, as well as entire genomes. This method is designed for complex assembly of 2 to 15 large DNA constructs using only small amounts (nanograms) of DNA.

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Lieferant: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Beschreibung: The Gibson Assembly® HiFi 1 Step Kit provides a simple and effective method to seamlessly construct synthetic genes, genetic pathways, as well as entire genomes. This method allows researchers to achieve complex assembly of large DNA constructs, with multiple inserts, in 1 hour.
Lieferant: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Beschreibung: The Gibson Assembly® Hi-Fi 1-Step Master Mix (2X) contains a proprietary mixture of enzymes and reagents optimised to facilitate one-step assembly of double standed DNA fragments. This master mix includes a proof-reading polymerase that mediates junction repair resulting assembled constructs with low rates of junction errors and high sequence fidelity.
Lieferant: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Beschreibung: Gibson Assembly® HiFi HC 1-Step Kits and Master Mixes allow restriction digest-free, cloning of one or more DNA fragments into virtually any location of any plasmid vector in a single round of cloning.

Artikel-Nr: (GA2100-S)
Lieferant: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : GA2100-S
Beschreibung: The Gibson Assembly® Method is a well-established assembly reaction that can be leveraged to join multiple, mutagenised DNA fragments with overlapping ends. Following mutagenesis, DNA fragments of various lengths are uniformly assembled using complementary overlaps between fragments. The inherent flexibility of this approach lends itself to small and large constructs and encompasses both single and multiple insert assemblies.
UOM: 1 * 5 Tests

Lieferant: SGI - DNA Synthetic Genomics
Beschreibung: The Gibson Assembly® Ultra reaction occurs in two steps using the addition of two master mixes in two sequential steps. In the first step, the GA Ultra Master Mix A (2X) creates single-strand DNA 5’ overhangs by chewing back DNA from the 3’ end. This reaction is cooled under conditions that allow for annealing of complementary overlap regions. Next, the Gibson Assembly® Ultra Master Mix B (2X) is added. During this step, nucleotides are incorporated into the construct to fill in the gaps in the annealed DNA fragments and nicks are sealed to create a contiguous DNA construct.
Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Lipid removal agent is a synthetic adsorbent of crystalline calcium silicate hydrate which is used for removing lipids and endotoxin from plasma or aqueous solutions. It is also used for DNA purification to remove protein, RNA and genomic DNA.

Artikel-Nr: (ENZOENZ450120010)
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ450120010
Beschreibung: BIOARRAY™ Methylated DNA IP Kit features IP technology for the enrichment of 5-methylcytosine-containing DNA from any pool of fragmented genomic DNA for use in genome-wide methylation analysis in the completion of diverse downstream applications.
UOM: 1 * 10 Tests

New Product

Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Bakterielles DNA-Mini-Kit zur Extraktion hochwertiger DNA aus gram-positiven und gram-negativen Bakterien. Die typische Ausbeute für bis zu 1×10⁹ Zellen pro Präparation beträgt bis zu 30 µg.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Plant RNA Kit isoliert effizient RNA aus einer Vielzahl von Pflanzenarten und Pflanzengewebe und entfernt effektiv genomische DNA, Polysaccharide, Phenol und andere sekundäre Metaboliten. Anfangsmenge kann bis zu 100 mg Pflanzengewebe betragen. Die isolierte RNA ist direkt für nachgelagerte Anwendungen geeignet.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Schnelles, einfaches und wirtschaftliches Kit für die Isolierung von DNA aus unterschiedlichen Proben, darunter frische oder gefrorene kultivierte Zellen, Gewebe, Blut, Wangenabstriche und Speichel.
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Aufeinigung von DNA-Strängen von 70 bis 20 kb Länge aus Agarosegelen. Das DNA-Band von Interesse wird aus dem Gel ausgeschnitten, in Bindungspuffer gelöst und effizient in einer peqGOLD-DNA-Säule verarbeitet. >90% Ausbeute. Elutionsvolumen: 30 bis 50 µl.
Lieferant: AGILENT
Beschreibung: The RecoverEase DNA isolation kit recovers high-molecular-weight (100 to 500 kb) genomic DNA that is fully hydrated and ready for multiple applications the next day. DNA can be isolated from whole tissues such as liver, spleen, kidney, brain and testes without hazardous and tedious organic extractions or ethanol precipitations. The RecoverEase DNA isolation kit quickly isolates high-molecular-weight genomic DNA from a variety of tissues without organic solvent extractions or ethanol precipitation.

Artikel-Nr: (13-3096-02)
Lieferant: VWR Chemicals
Beschreibung: Schnelles, einfaches und wirtschaftliches Kit zur Isolierung genomischer DNA aus kleinen Probenvolumina und -größen für konsistente PCR- und analytische Testergebnisse.

Lieferant: AGILENT
Beschreibung: Herculase II Fusion DNA Polymerases produce superior yields with extension times as short as 15 s/kb, even with genomic DNA targets up to 23 kb.

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