Sie suchten nach: Erste-Hilfe-Stationen

VWR offers first aid cabinets for easy access to treatment supplies for minor lab injuries or emergencies. Labelled metal cabinets with wall mounting brackets meet OSHA requirements for the workplace. Choose pre-stocked cabinets serving a specific amount of people that include bandages and gauze. Options with labelled compartments for organization feature reminder tabs to alert the user to refill supplies. Customizable cabinets allow the user to adjust the shelves and select the appropriate products.

VWR offers first aid cabinets for easy access to treatment supplies for minor lab injuries or emergencies. Labelled metal cabinets with wall mounting brackets meet OSHA requirements for the workplace. Choose pre-stocked cabinets serving a specific amount of people that include bandages and gauze. Options with labelled compartments for organization feature reminder tabs to alert the user to refill supplies. Customizable cabinets allow the user to adjust the shelves and select the appropriate products.

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Lieferant: Plum Safety
Beschreibung: QuickSafe ist eine flexible Erste-Hilfe-Lösung, die Sie zielgerecht Ihrem Bedarf anpassen können. Die robuste Box ist nur wenig größer als ein DIN A 3 Blatt und kann so auch dort platziert werden, wo der Platz gering ist. Sie können zwischen unterschiedlichen Befüllungen wählen, die speziell auf verschiedene Branchen zugeschnitten sind.

Artikel-Nr: (CEDE51011026)
Lieferant: ORKLA CARE AB
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 51011026
Beschreibung: Die Erste-Hilfe-Station enthält Produkte für verschiedene Erste-Hilfe-Produkte zur Behandlung von Erste-Hilfe-Fällen.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

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Lieferant: ORKLA CARE AB
Beschreibung: First aid cabinet with double door (118-0261)
This metal cabinet has two doors that divide the cabinet into two sections. The outer section is organised as a first aid panel with easily accessible products. A plexiglass door protects the products from dust and moisture. The inner section of the cabinet consists of a lockable space for a substantial stock of refill products.

Beschreibung: Hergestellt aus qualitativ hochwertigem, 0,75 mm starkem Stahlblech.

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-Additional Documentation May be needed to purchase this item. A VWR representative will contact you if needed.
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