Sie suchten nach: Tischhomogenisatoren

Designed to emulsify, blend, or mix organic and inorganic materials, the bench homogenizers rapidly process multiple samples without the possibility of cross-contamination. The countertop machines are specifically engineered to prepare materials for uniformity in a wide range of blending methods. Manual or automated benchtop homogenizers have user-friendly control systems for straightforward processing. Compact units are optimized for use in small work environments that have limited surface space.

Designed to emulsify, blend, or mix organic and inorganic materials, the bench homogenizers rapidly process multiple samples without the possibility of cross-contamination. The countertop machines are specifically engineered to prepare materials for uniformity in a wide range of blending methods. Manual or automated benchtop homogenizers have user-friendly control systems for straightforward processing. Compact units are optimized for use in small work environments that have limited surface space.

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Lieferant: IKA
Beschreibung: T 25 easy clean digital ist ein Hochleistungs-Dispergierinstrument mit einer elektronischen Drehzahlregelung von 3000 - 25000 U/min für Arbeitsvolumina von 1 - 2000 ml (H<sub>2</sub>O).

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: FastPrep-96™ is a versatile high speed homogeniser offering the ultimate in high throughput sample preparation. It is used to homogenise biological samples. FastPrep®-96 lyses thoroughly and quickly any tissues and cells so allowing easy and reproducible isolation of stable RNA, active proteins and full-length genomic DNA.

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Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains 0,8 mm zirconium silicate beads.

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Metal bead lysing matrix contains 3,175 mm diameter stainless steel.
Lieferant: IKA
Beschreibung: Stativ-Dispergiergerät, Volumina 1 bis 2000 ml. Das Dispergiergerät T 25 eignet sich ideal für Anwendungen wie die Homogenisierung von Abwasserproben, für den Einsatz in Laborreaktoren, für Dispergieraufgaben unter Vakuum/Druck und für die Probenvorbereitung in der medizinischen Diagnostik.

Artikel-Nr: (ICNA116004500)
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 116004500
Beschreibung: FastPrep®-24 is used to homogenise biological samples. It lyses thoroughly and quickly any tissues and cells and thus allows easy and reproducible isolation of stable RNA, active proteins and full-length genomic DNA.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (IKAA25002503)
Lieferant: IKA
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 25002503
Beschreibung: T 25 easy clean control ist ein Hochleistungs-Dispergiergerät mit elektronischer Drehzahlregelung von 3000 bis 25000 U/min für Arbeitsvolumina von 1 bis 2000 ml (H2O). Das Gerät S 25 EC-T-C-18G-ST ermöglicht Temperaturmessung und Betriebszeiterkennung per RFID. Eine Überhitzung des Geräts wird durch eine kontinuierliche Temperaturüberwachung und die Einstellung von Temperaturgrenzen verhindert. Die Betriebszeiterkennung dient der Gewährleistung einer regelmäßigen Wartung.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (431-0317)
Lieferant: IKA
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 25005981
Beschreibung: Universelles Einweg-Dispergiersystem mit hermetisch verschließbaren Einweg-Probenröhrchen. Bietet Schutz und Sicherheit vor infektiösem Probenmaterial, giftigen oder geruchsintensiven Stoffen.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: IKA
Beschreibung: The LABOR-PILOT is a compact and multi-purpose inline laboratory dispersing machine. It is designed for solid-liquid mixing, homogenising, emulsifying, suspending and wet milling. The LABOR-PILOT 2000/4 is suitable for wide range of applications, particularly in the chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, plastics, colours and food industries. It is uniquely designed with advanced technology and is available with six interchangeable modules.

Lieferant: IKA
Beschreibung: The high pressure homogeniser HPH is an inline dispersing machine for energy-efficient, continuous production of superfine emulsions. Compared to other IKA inline machines, the dispersing action of the high pressure homogeniser HPH is not based on the rotor/stator principle. The improved homogenising effect is achieved within the homogeniser by means of spontaneous decompression of the liquid from max. 2000 bar to an ambient pressure. With the same energy input, the IKA HPH produces considerably finer emulsions than conventional toothed ring dispersers. The use of high pressure homogenisers is recommended when a disintegration down to the nano range is required; however, these machines do achieve a smaller flow capacity than conventional dispersers. The high pressure homogeniser consists of a high pressure piston pump and a downstream homogenising valve. The pressure build-up within the HPH occurs by means of one or more piston pump(s) which, with the help of ceramic pistons, ensure(s) a volume flow that is independent of pressure and virtually pulsation free. The desired homogenising pressure can be infinitely adjusted. The pressure is reduced in a selected adjustable gap of the homogenizing valve. The quick pressure decrease in a moving medium leads to extremely high turbulences and cavitations, which then bring about the grinding of the raw product. The machine's design can be adapted to fit customer-specific tasks. The high pressure homogeniser is available in two sizes with either one or more piston(s) of varying Ø. These parameters determine the max. homogenising pressure (800 or 2000 bar) possible for a specific machine type, the minimal permitted feeding volume (up to 10 ml) as well as homogenising results and flow capacities.

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains 2 mm yellow zirconia beads and a 4 mm black ceramic sphere.

Artikel-Nr: (116005500.)
Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 116005500
Beschreibung: FastPrep®-24 5G is a high speed bench top homogeniser offering the ultimate in speed and performance for the lysis of biological samples. It uses a unique, optimised motion to disrupt cells through the multi-directional, simultaneous beating of specialised Lysing Matrix beads on the sample material. Developed for difficult and resistant samples, the FastPrep®-24 5G instrument lyses thoroughly and quickly any tissues and cells and allows easy and reproducible isolation of stable RNA, active proteins and full-length genomic DNA.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (IKAAU078310)
Lieferant: IKA
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : U078310
Beschreibung: The magic LAB® is a unique and multi-functional small-scale laboratory machine. It is designed for mixing, dispersing, wet milling and incorporation of powders into liquids. The magic LAB® is most frequently used for the development of new products or for optimising of existing process techniques, particularly in the chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. It is an ideal machine for continuous, circulating and batch processing with interchangeable modules. Many work parameters of the magic LAB® are identical to those of the IKA 2000 inline production machines: UTL, DR, CMS, MHD, MK and MKO. Therefore, the magic LAB® ensures a reliable scale-up by offering the possibility to work with the same method from formulation development to mass production. The basic in-line machine is equipped with the single-stage dispersing module ULTRA-TURRAX® UTL. It is best suited for batch applications and can be adapted for the manufacturing of dispersions from coarse to fine. Compared to a conventional stirrer, the mixing time is reduced by up to 50%. Depending on the application, the basic unit can be modified quickly with different working modules.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (431-0261)
Lieferant: OHAUS
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 30391396
Beschreibung: The HT (High Throughput) lysing bead mill laboratory homogeniser provides efficient solutions for grinding, lysing, pulverising, mixing and homogenising in sample preparation applications.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: IKA
Beschreibung: Standmodell, Volumenbereich 2 bis 50 Liter

Lieferant: MP Biomedicals
Beschreibung: Each impact-resistant 2 ml tube contains one 6,35 mm, 0,25 cal stainless-steel grinding ball.

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