UV-Vis Spectrophotometers, U-3900S and U-3900D

Lieferant: VWR Collection
2J2-0063 2J2-0073
HITA2J2-0063EA 0 CHF
HITA2J2-0063 HITA2J2-0073
UV-Vis Spectrophotometers, U-3900S and U-3900D
Spektrophotometer und Photometer UV/Vis-Spektralphotometer

UH3900S (Single monochromator) and UH3900D (Double monochromator) are reliable and proven optical systems equipped with new Software UV Solutions Plus.

  • Extensive applications

  • Full range of accessories for liquid and solid samples

  • Ease of maintenance (lamp replacement)

  • Stable baseline

  • Effective in trace sample measurement

U-3900S and U-3900D spectrophotometers are comprehensive, research-grade solutions. They provide excellent performance afforded by low stray light, selectable band pass and high energy. Hitachi Model UH3900S/D spectrophotometer adopts

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Modell UH3900S UH3900D
Environmentally Preferable
Optisches System Hitachi’s high-resolution concave diffraction grating, Seya-Namioka mount, double beam Hitachi’s high-resolution concave diffraction grating, Seya-Namioka mount, double beam
Photometrischer Bereich Abs: –3,8 - +3,8 Abs; %T: 0 - 300%T Abs: –5,5 - +5,5 Abs; %T: 0 - 300%T
Wellenlängengenauigkeit ±0,1 nm (656,1 nm, after wavelength correction) ±0,1 nm (656,1 nm, after wavelength correction)
Wellenlängenbereich 190 - 900 nm 190 - 900 nm
Detektor Photomultiplier Photomultiplier
Lichtquelle, Lebensdauer Deuterium lamp (D2 lamp): Ultraviolet region; Tungsten iodide lamp (WI lamp): Visible region Deuterium lamp (D2 lamp): Ultraviolet region; Tungsten iodide lamp (WI lamp): Visible region
Netzanschluss 230 V, 50/60 Hz 230 V, 50/60 Hz
Probenfach 100 mm beam spacing 100 mm beam spacing
Spektrale Bandbreite 0,1; 0,5; 1; 2; 4; 5 nm 0,1; 0,5; 1; 2; 4; 5 nm
Streulicht 0,015% or less 0,00025% or less
B×T×H 680W×692D×257H mm 680W×692D×257H mm
Gewicht 45 kg 45 kg

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