RedDot™1 Far-Red Nuclear Stain, 200X in Water, Biotium
Lieferant: Biotium
RedDot™ ist ein im dunkelroten Bereich (far-red) emittierender, membrangängiger Zellkern-Farbstoff mit ähnlichen Eigenschaften wie Draq5™. Der Farbstoff ist ideal für die spezifische Färbung der Zellkerne lebender Zellen.
- Ideal for specifically staining the nuclei of live cells for short term imaging
- Highly thermostable and photostable, for convenient handling and demanding imaging applications
- Can be used for DNA content analysis by flow cytometry like Vybrant™ DyeCycle™ Ruby
- Can be used for normalization of In Cell Western® in fixed cells, similar to Draq5™/Sapphire®700
- λEx/λEm = 662/694 nm (with DNA), for detection in the Cy®5 channel
RedDot™1 can be excited at a wide range of wavelengths between 488 nm and 647 nm, including the 488 nm laser for flow cytometry, and can be used for DNA content analysis by flow cytometry. While DAPI and Hoechst dyes show a strong preference for A-T rich regions, RedDot™1 is relatively insensitive to sequence base composition.
Ebenso wie Draq5® ist RedDot™1 zelltoxisch innerhalb weniger Stunden und eignet sich für Kurzzeit-Färbeversuche. Als dunkelroter Zellkern-Farbstoff für lebende Zellen mit niedriger Toxizität empfiehlt sich NucSpot™ 650.
RedDot™1 cannot be used for nuclear-specific staining in fixed cells. Please see RedDot™2 (cat# 40061), a spectrally similar dye designed for specific nuclear staining of fixed and permeabilized cells or selective nuclear staining of dead cells.
Please note: far-red dyes like RedDot™1 are not visible to the human eye, but must be imaged with a CCD camera or by confocal microscopy.
Cy dye is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare. Draq5 is a trademark of BioStatus Ltd. In Cell Western and Sapphire are registered trademarks of LI-COR Inc. Vybrant and DyeCycle are trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific.
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