Reagenzglas- und Röhrchengestelle

Lieferant: Brand
4340000 4340001 4340002 4340011 4340020 4340030 4340032 4340040 4340041 4340042 4340060 4340061 4340062 4341000 4341001 4341002 4341050 4341051 4340031 4341052 4340022 4340021 4340012 4340010
212-0186EA 123 CHF
212-0186 212-0187 212-0188 212-6358 212-6363 212-6367 212-6369 212-6371 212-6372 212-0190 212-0289 212-0192 212-0193 212-0195 BRND4341001 212-0196 212-6375 212-6376 212-6368 212-6377 212-6365 212-6364 212-6359 212-6357
Reagenzglas- und Röhrchengestelle
Gestelle Reagenzglasgestelle
PP, coloured.

  • Filled PP, density 1,2 g/cm³ so will not float in waterbath
  • Operating temperature −20 to 90 °C
  • Autoclavable (121 °C), (2 bar), acc. DIN EN 285

Versatile and inexpensive racks for common diameter test tubes. Alphanumerical positions for clear sample identification. Wide spaces between positions. The racks are delivered dismantled and can be put together securely and permanently in a few steps, without tools.
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Avantor is a vertically integrated, global supplier of discovery-to-delivery solutions for...

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