Reagenzglas- und Röhrchengestelle

Lieferant: KARTELL
564-03 565-03 566-03 567-03 568-03 564-04 565-04 566-04 567-04 568-04 564-10 565-10 566-10 567-10 568-10 564-06 565-06 566-06 567-06 568-06
212-6101EA 36 CHF
212-6101 212-6102 212-6103 212-6104 212-6105 212-6111 212-6112 212-6113 212-6114 212-6115 212-6121 212-6122 212-6123 212-6124 212-6125 212-6131 212-6132 212-6133 212-6134 212-6135
Reagenzglas- und Röhrchengestelle
Gestelle Reagenzglasgestelle
PP, farbig

  • Sehr gute Chemikalienbeständigkeit
  • Temperaturbeständig bis 121 °C, autoklavierbar
  • Sehr stabil, unzerbrechlich

Versatile and good value. The racks do not float, so they are ideal for use in water baths. Alphanumeric position designators for easy sample identification. The racks are delivered dismantled and can be put together securely and permanently in a few steps, without tools.
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Avantor is a vertically integrated, global supplier of discovery-to-delivery solutions for...

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