MultiScreen® PCRµ96 Filter Plates

Lieferant: Merck
MultiScreen® PCRµ96 Filter Plates
Mikrotiterplatten Mikrofiltrationsplatten
MultiScreen® PCRµ96 filter plate is a small volume, 96-well device for the purification of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. The PCRμ96 plate enables purification of both small and large volume PCR reactions (20 to 100 μl) with the recovery of purified products in as little as 20 μl of solution.

  • Offers fast, automatable solutions for high-throughput PCR purification
  • Provides high purity and high recovery

The vacuum-based, size exclusion separation effectively removes contaminating salts, unincorporated dNTPs, and primers from PCR reactions in less than 15 minutes. The purified DNA is suitable for downstream applications such as sequencing, genotyping, or micro arraying. Additionally, the automation-friendly design of the MultiScreen® PCRµ96 plate makes it ideal for high throughput applications.

Application: MultiScreen® PCRµ96 filter plate has been used in natural product screening, total drug analysis, protein precipitation, bead cleavage, solid-phase synthesis, and solubility assay. It has also been used in the purification of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products.

Well maximum volume: 175 µl
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