β-Alanin 99%

Lieferant: Thermo Scientific

Synonyms: H-Bala-OHH-β-Ala-OH3-Aminopropansäure3-Aminopropionsäure

ACRO163795000EA 77.4 CHF
ACRO163795000 ACRO163790100 ACRO163790025
β-Alanin 99%
Formel: C₃H₇NO₂
MW: 89,09 g/mol
Melting Pt: 197…202 °C (Zersetzung)
Lager Temperatur: Raumtemperatur
MDL Number: MFCD00008200
CAS-Nummer: 107-95-9
EINECS: 203-536-5
Merck Index: 13,00204

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Spezifikation Testergebnisse

Appearance White Crystalline powder
Infrared spectrum Conforms
Loss on drying ≤0.5 % (105°C, 3 h)
Sulfated ash ≤0.2 %
pH 6.5 to 7.5 (10 % w/v in water)
Titration with HClO4 ≥98.5 % (on dry substance)
Chloride (Cl) ≤400 ppm
Sulfate (SO4) ≤480 ppm
Ammonium (NH4) ≤1000 ppm
Iron (Fe) ≤30 ppm
Arsenic oxide (As2O3) ≤2 ppm
Heavy metals (as Pb) ≤10 ppm
Other amino acids (TLC) Passes test (not detectable on 10 µg spotting)

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