Evaporating Dishes with Spout

75000 75001 75003 75004 75006 75008 75010 75015
TSLA75000EA 41.7 CHF
TSLA75000 TSLA75001 TSLA75003 TSLA75004 TSLA75006 TSLA75008 TSLA75010 TSLA75015
Evaporating Dishes with Spout
Schalen/Schüsseln/Töpfe Abdampfschalen
Temperature resistant evaporating dishes made from transparent quartz glass.

  • Excellent chemical resistance
  • High temperature resistance
  • Made for tasks up to 1050 °C
  • High purity

The TQS quartz glass evaporating dishes are made for tasks up to 1050 °C (maximum limit 1280 °C). High chemical resistance and purity characterize these products. Quartz glass products have a long life for frequent use with temperatures up to 1050 °C but the durabilty is dependent on its use and application.
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