Bioanalyzer DNA Analysis

Lieferant: AGILENT
5067-1504 5067-1505 5067-1506 5067-1507 5067-1508 5067-1509
AGLS5067-1504EA 1470 CHF
AGLS5067-1504 AGLS5067-1505 AGLS5067-1506 AGLS5067-1507 AGLS5067-1508 AGLS5067-1509
Bioanalyzer DNA Analysis
Elektrophorese-Systeme Kapillarelektrophorese-Systeme
DNA fragment or NGS library analysis for sample quality control - for samples up to 12000 bp.

  • High sensitivity from laser (LIF) detection of DNA fragments down to 0,1 ng
  • The broad linear dynamic range allows detection of weak bands without saturation from abundant fragments
  • Sizing and quantitation accuracy and reproducibility results from pre-packaged reagents, standardised assays and automated data analysis
  • Minimal sample consumption is required as only 1 µl is needed for the assay, saving precious material for downstream experiments
  • Fast results are provided, with the analysis of 12 samples performed in only 30 minutes (approximately)
  • Safety is ensured with minimal exposure to hazardous materials, such as ethidium bromide, as only minimal reagents are used

Perform highly accurate and precise DNA electrophoresis with the Bioanalzser DNA analysis solutions. Together with the 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument, the DNA kits enable the analysis of next-generation sequencing libraries and high resolution multiplex PCR reactions, measuring precise size and concentration of all DNA fragments and smears. A large linear dynamic range allows detection of small impurities in PCR purifications.

Besides sample quality control of next-generation sequencing (NGS) libraries, additional research applications for the Bioanalyzer DNA assays include PCR amplicon analysis, multiplex PCR amplicons, gene expression analysis by RT-PCR, restriction fragment analysis, and the detection of targeted cleavage in gene editing studies.

Bitte beachten For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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