Partikelfilter der Serie D3000, Secure Click™

Lieferant: 3M
D3125 D3135 D3138
111-2606EA 483 CHF
111-2606 111-2607 MMMAD3138
Partikelfilter der Serie D3000, Secure Click™
Atemschutzmasken Mehrweg-Atemschutzmasken Maskenfilter
3M™ Secure Click™ D3000 Series Particulate Filters feature a new dual flow design for easier breathing.

  • New dual flow filters allow for easier breathing
  • Protects against particulates with nuisance level organic vapour/acid gas relief
  • Protection against ozone up to 10× occupational exposure limit
  • Quick, simple connection; simply align connections and push until an audible click is heard
  • Use with 3M™ Secure Click™ Reusable Respirators 800 Series
  • Swept-back design allows an enhanced field of view and comfort
  • Use for protection in hazardous environments

Secure Click™ Particulate Filter P3 R D3138 with Nuisance Level Organic Vapour Relief helps provide respiratory protection against exposure to certain particles. It also offers nuisance level odour relief from organic vapours that are below the OEL. Nuisance level refers to concentrations below OEL.

Secure Click™ Particulate Filter P3 R D3135 is CE approved for environments containing certain particles. It is a lightweight filter that combines protection with comfort.

Der Secure Click™ Partikelfilter P2 R D3128 ist CE-zugelassen für Umgebungen mit bestimmten Partikeln. Es kann auch zur Entlastung organischer Dämpfe auf Belästigungsebene und zum Ozonschutz bis zu 10 × OEL verwendet werden. Es ist ein leichter Filter, der Schutz mit Komfort kombiniert.

Der Secure Click™ Partikelfilter P2 R D3125 ist CE-zugelassen für Umgebungen mit bestimmten Partikeln. Es ist ein leichter Filter, der Schutz mit Komfort kombiniert.

These filters are commonly used for welding, brazing, torch cutting, metal pouring, and soldering. Inventory needs and training requirements of safety equipment are reduced because these filter works for many different applications. They are most commonly used in agriculture, construction, general manufacturing, pharmaceutical, and primary metal industries. These filters work with the 3M Secure Click™ Respirators 800 Series. The connection system works just like a seat belt. Simply align the connections and push until an audible click is heard. Used in pairs, the filters offer low breathing resistance and good balance when connected to the mask. They are designed to optimise the field of vision.
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