qPCR detection kits for 2019-nCoV, genesig®
The genesig qPCR detection kits for 2019-nCoV allows specific early detection of the virus.
- Rapid detection of 2019-nCoV
- Lyophilized reagents. No cold chain shipping
- Sensitive to <100 copies of target
- Easy to use for all user experience levels
- Highly specific detection profile
- High priming efficiency
- Broad dynamic detection range (>6 logs)
- Accurate controls to confirm findings
Both Primerdesign 2019-nCoV genesig® kits are designed to specifically detect the SARS-CoV-2 genome. The kit includes a known copy number, Positive Control template for the in vitro quantitative analysis of extracted SARS-CoV-2 from samples.
Contents standard kit:
- 2019-nCoV specific primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN) FAM labelled
- 2019-nCoV positive control template (for Standard curve RED)
- RNase/DNase free water (WHITE) for resuspension of primer/probe mixes
- Template preparation buffer (YELLOW) for resuspension of internal control template, positive control template and standard curve preparation
Contents advanced kit:
- 2019-nCoV specific primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN) FAM labelled
- 2019-nCoV positive control template (for Standard curve RED)
- RNase/DNase free water (WHITE) for resuspension of primer/probe mixes
- Template preparation buffer (YELLOW) for resuspension of internal control template, positive control template and standard curve preparation
- Internal extraction control primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN) VIC labelled as standard
- Internal extraction control RNA (150 reactions BLUE)
- Endogenous control primer/probe mix (150 reactions BROWN) FAM labelled
Bitte beachten Kits are sold for research use only and are not licensed for diagnostic procedures.
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