Protease and phosphatase inhibitor, Protease-PhosphataseArrest™
Lieferant: G Bioscienes
Protease-PhosphataseArrest™ provides full protection of protein samples from proteases and phosphatases released during the preparation of cell and tissue lysates. Protease-PhosphataseArrest™ contains both irreversible and reversible protease inhibitors to inhibit serine, cysteine and other proteases along with five phosphatase inhibitors that target all the phosphatase categories: serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) specific, tyrosine specific and dual specificity phosphatases.
- Complete protection of proteins – contains both protease and phosphatase inhibitors
- Optional metalloprotease Inhibitor – 0,5M EDTA is supplied separately
- Supplied as two vials of each cocktail in a ready to use format at 100X concentration
Application: Protects protein samples from protease and phosphatase activites during extraction and purification from cells and tissues.
Bestellinformation: Supplied as a vial of ProteaseARREST™ and a vial of PhosphataseARREST™.
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