Sterilisation Bags

Lieferant: MEGRO
301020 301030 302540
MEGR301020EA 138 CHF
MEGR301020 MEGR301030 MEGR302540
Sterilisation Bags
Beutel Sterilisationsbeutel
These bags are ideal for packing various products like clothes, trays, compresses and medical instruments which are subjected to sterilisation by steam, gas (EO and FO).

  • Unsuitable for gamma, hot-air and hydrogen peroxide sterilisation
  • Paper has a weight of 68 g/m²

The foil consists of a 12 µm PET and 38 µm PP laminate and has three indicators for steam, EO gas, formaldehyde-sterilisation.

Zertifizierungen: Sterilisation package according to the requirements of ISO 11607/EN 868.

Bitte beachten Unsuitable for gamma, hot-air and hydrogen peroxide sterilisation.
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