Kaliumhydrogensulfat 98.5% zur Analyse

Lieferant: Thermo Scientific

Synonyms: Kaliumbisulfat

ACRO207755000EA 60.4 CHF
ACRO207755000 ACRO207750025
Kaliumhydrogensulfat 98.5% zur Analyse
Formel: KHSO₄
MW: 136,17 g/mol
Melting Pt: 214 °C
Lager Temperatur: Raumtemperatur
MDL Number: MFCD00011404
CAS-Nummer: 7646-93-7
EINECS: 231-594-1
UN: 2509
Merck Index: 12,07774

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Spezifikation Testergebnisse

Appearance White Adhering crystals
Titration with NaOH 98.0 to 102.0 %
Chloride (Cl) ≤20 ppm
Ammonium (NH4) ≤20 ppm
Calcium (Ca) ≤200 ppm
Iron (Fe) ≤20 ppm
Heavy metals (as Pb) ≤20 ppm

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