D(+)-Glucose, wasserfrei 97,5-102,0% Ph. Eur., USP

Lieferant: VWR Chemicals

Synonyms: Dextrose Traubenzucker

28450BFEA 668 CHF
28450BF 284508W 284504S
D(+)-Glucose, wasserfrei 97,5-102,0% Ph. Eur., USP

Bitte beachten Not for use as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)

Formel: C₆H₁₂O₆
MW: 180,16 g/mol
Melting Pt: 146 °C
Dichte: 1,54 g/cm³ (20 °C)
Lager Temperatur: Raumtemperatur
MDL Number: MFCD00148912
CAS-Nummer: 50-99-7
EINECS: 200-075-1
Merck Index: 14,04459

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Spezifikation Testergebnisse

Co (Cobalt)
Pb (Lead) Max. 2 ppm
V (Vanadium) Max. 1 ppm
Fructose [Ph.Eur.] Max. 0.15 %
Unspecified impur. (for each) [Ph.Eur.] Max. 0.10 %
Total impurities [Ph.Eur.] Max. 0.5 %
Disregard limit [Ph.Eur.] Max. 0.05 %
Dextrin Passes test Ph.Eur.
Soluble starch, sulfite [Ph.Eur.] Max. 15 ppm
Water [Ph.Eur.] Max. 1.0 %
USP specifications:
Assay (calculated on anhydrous) [USP] 97.5 --> 102.0 %
Identification A Passes test USP
Identification B Passes test USP
Identification C [USP] Max. 1.0 %
Maltose and isomaltose [USP] Max. 0.4 %
Maltotriose [USP] Max. 0.2 %
Fructose [USP] Max. 0.15 %
Unspecified impurities (for each) [USP] Max. 0.10 %
Total impurities [USP] Max. 0.5 %
Disregard limit [USP] Max. 0.05 %
Colour and clarity of solution Passes test USP
Conductivity (25°C) [USP] Max. 20 μS/cm
Dextrin Passes test USP
Soluble starch, sulfites [USP] Max. 15 ppm
For info:
Residues of metal catalysts or reagents Conforms to EMEA/CHMP/SWP/4446/2000

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