EDTA Dinatriumsalz Dihydrat 99,0-101,0% USP, Macron Fine Chemicals™

Lieferant: Avantor Performance Materials

Synonyms: EDTA-Na2 DihydratKestranal® 2S 2 H2OEthylendinitrilotetratetraessigsäure Dinatriumsalz DihydratTitriplex IIIEthylendiamintetraessigsäure Dinatriumsalz DihydratEthylendiamin-N,N,N',N'-tetraessigsäure Dinatriumsalz DihydratKestranal® 2S DihydratEdetinsäure Dinatriumsalz DihydratDinatriumdihydrogenethylendiamintetraacetat Dihydrat

1395-06EA 421 CHF
1395-06 MACR1395-25 1395-23 1395-04 1395-20 1395-88 MACR1395-37
EDTA Dinatriumsalz Dihydrat 99,0-101,0% USP, Macron Fine Chemicals™
EDTA Dinatriumsalz Dihydrat

Avantor excipients are used during the formulation process in a wide range of applications. Avantor provides high-purity and performance excipients that serve as fillers, binders, disintegrants, lubicants, flavors, emulsifiers and preservatives. All the products are cGMP produced and meet USP grade standards.

Formel: C₁₀H₁₄N₂Na₂O₈·2H₂O
MW: 372,24 g/mol
MDL Number: MFCD00150037
CAS-Nummer: 6381-92-6

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Spezifikation Testergebnisse

Meets U.S.P Requirements
GMP Manufactured Product
CAUTION: For Manufacturing, processing or repackaging
Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical
USP - Assay (C₁₀H₁₄N₂Na₂O₈) (anhydrous basis) 99.0 - 101.0 %
USP - Identification A Passes Test
USP - Identification B Passes Test
USP - Identification C Passes Test
USP - pH (1 in 20) 4.0 - 6.0
USP - Loss on Drying 8.7 - 11.4 %
USP - Calcium (Ca) Passes Test
USP - Limit of Nitrilotriacetic Acid ≤0.1 %
No Class 1,2,3 or other solvents are used or produced in the
manufacturing or purification of the product.
Meets Reagent Specifications for testing USP/NF monographs
Elemental Impurities (USP 232, EP 5.20) - Information on elemental
impurities for this product is available on the associated Product
Regulatory Data Sheet and elemental impurity profile report.

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