Mini coolers, True North®

Lieferant: HEATHROW
HS120072 HS120073 HS120074
HEATHS120072EA 660 CHF
HEATHS120072 HEATHS120073 HEATHS120074
Mini coolers, True North®
Boxen Kühl- und Gefrierboxen, Kühl- und Gefrierbeutel
Protect temperature-sensitive samples at the bench or in the freezer.

  • Polycarbonate construction with rubber non-slip feet
  • Gridded and keyed one-position lids for easy sample identification

Ideal for keeping PCR® reagents, enzymes, and other biochemical reagents cool while working at the bench.
Filled with insulating gel, the mini coolers can also be used for controlled sample freezing and for longer temperature retention samples.

Coolers HEATHS120072 and HEATHS120075 are filled with a non-toxic self-insulating gel.

Bestellinformation: Versions available for 0,5 and 1,5/2,0 ml microcentrifuge tubes and cryogenic vials and a 96-place version for 0,2 ml tubes and assay plates.

Lieferumfang: Supplied with 0,5 ml tube adapters as standard and temperature-retention graph.
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