Genomic DNA extraction from dried blood spots, Extracta™ DBS

Lieferant: Quantabio

95171-010 95171-500
QUNT95171-010EA 82.2 CHF
QUNT95171-010 QUNT95171-500
Genomic DNA extraction from dried blood spots, Extracta™ DBS
Nukleinsäure-Reagenzien Reinigungskits und Reagenzien für Nukleinsäure

Extracta™ DBS is a ready to use DNA extraction reagent for rapid and efficient recovery of PCR-ready DNA from dried blood spots (DBS) on Guthrie cards or Whatman® 903 filter/TFN or 226 from Ahlstrom Munksjö paper. This patented single-solution process produces DNA eluates that are substantially free of PCR inhibitors and compatible with a variety of end-point PCR, real-time PCR and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) or Sanger Sequencing reagents. Application of Extracta DBS with PerfeCTa® qPCR ToughMix® or PerfeCTa MultiPlex qPCR ToughMix® enables accurate and reproducible quantification of DNA sequences in blood using TaqMan® hydrolysis probe real-time qPCR.

  • Optimised for DNA extraction from dried blood spot punches
  • Single reagent for PCR-ready DNA in 30 minutes
  • Maximised assay sensitivity, lower Cq values, when combined with Quantabio ToughMix®
  • Compatible with high throughput automation for PCR, qPCR and NGS applications

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