DreamTaq™ Hot Start DNA polymerase
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific™ DreamTaq™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase is an enhanced hot start Taq DNA polymerase that ensures higher PCR specificity, sensitivity and yields compared to conventional hot start Taq DNA polymerases. DreamTaq™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase uses antibody based inhibition of DNA polymerase activity at ambient temperatures, thus preventing the amplification of non-specific products prior to the amplification step.
- Higher yield of target amplicons from low template amounts
- Increased reaction specificity due to reliable Hot Start technology
- Wider range of amplicon lengths - routine amplification of genomic DNA fragments up to 6 kb
- Room temperature reaction set-up
- Minimal optimisation of Mg²⁺ concentration and of primer annealing temperatures due to optimised reaction buffer
Thermo Scientific™ DreamTaq™ Green Buffer (10X) supports direct gel loading of PCR products. The two tracking dyes and a density reagent in the green buffer do not interfere with PCR performance and are compatible with downstream applications including DNA sequencing, ligation and restriction digestion.
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