Human pooled plasma, French origin

Lieferant: SEQENS

20000P-100ML 20000P-500ML 20000P-1L
20000P-100MLEA 170 CHF
20000P-100ML 20000P-500ML 20000P-1L
Human pooled plasma, French origin

This human pooled plasma is obtained from plasma units collected in France. Units are pooled and 0,2 μm filtered prior to being bottled. The anticoagulant used in this product is citrate phosphate dextrose (CPD).

  • Dry extract: 60 to 85 g/L
  • Total proteins: 50 to 75 g/L
  • Filtered through a 0,2 µm membrane
  • Shelf life: 3 years

Each donor unit used for the manufacture of this product has been tested and found negative or non-reactive (CE marked test methods) for anti-HIV 1+2 and anti-HCV antibodies, HBs antigen, HIV 1 and HCV RNA and Syphilitic serology.

Complete donor traceability on file.

Bitte beachten Only for research or manufacture of in vitro diagnostic reagents. Not for therapeutic use. This product of human origin should be considered as potentially infectious and handled accordingly.

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