Hematocrit tubes, PLASTICRIT™

Lieferant: DRUMMOND
8-000-7520/5 8-000-7520-H/5
DRUM8-000-7520/5EA 449 CHF
DRUM8-000-7520/5 DRUM8-000-7520-H/5
Hematocrit tubes, PLASTICRIT™
Klinisches Diagnosezubehör Klinische Probenentnahme und Probenvorbereitung Entnahme und Vorbereitung von Blutproben
These plastic hematocrit tubes provide the identical capillary action as glass hematocrit tubes. They eliminate the possibility of contamination due to breakage with no compromise in accuracy.

  • Available as plain or heparinised

Complies to FDA, NIOSH, CDC, and OSHA safety recommendations.
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