AccuStart™ II PCR SuperMix

Lieferant: Quantabio

95137-04K 95137-500 95137-100
733-2240EA 2400 CHF
733-2240 733-2242 733-2906
AccuStart™ II PCR SuperMix
Nukleinsäure-Reagenzien Enzyme und Kits für Endpunkt-PCR

AccuStart™ II PCR SuperMix is a 2X concentrated, ready-to-use reaction cocktail for routine PCR amplification of DNA fragments up to 4 kb. It contains all components, except primers and template. AccuStart™ II PCR SuperMix simplifies reaction assembly, improves assay reproducibility, and reduces the risk of contamination. A key component is AccuStart™ II Taq DNA polymerase which contains monoclonal antibodies that bind to the polymerase and keep it inactive prior to the initial PCR denaturation step. Upon heat activation (1 minute at 94 °C), the antibodies denature irreversibly, releasing fully active, unmodified Taq DNA polymerase. This enables specific and efficient primer extension with the convenience of room temperature reaction assembly.

  • High yield, high sensitivity
  • Precise amplification - hot-start technology ensures specific and efficient primer extension
  • Superior reproducibility and precision
  • Convenient reaction assembly at room temperature

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