TLC plates, cellulose MN 300

801011 801013 801023 808013 808023 808033 808043 808053 818153 818155 818156 818157 801022 808012 808063
552-0130EA 47.1 CHF
552-0130 552-1290 552-0133 552-0174 552-0177 552-0179 552-0181 552-0182 552-0309 552-0311 552-0312 552-0313 552-0132 552-0173 552-0183
TLC plates, cellulose MN 300
These native fibrous cellulose layers are available as glass plates, POLYGRAM® polyester sheets and ALUGRAM® aluminium sheets. They are used in partition chromatography of polar substances such as for the separations of amino acids, carboxylic acids or carbohydrates.

  • Alternative selectivity to silica 60

Celluolse MN 300: Fibre length (95%) 2 to 20 μmg, average degree of polymerisation 400 to 500, specific surface acc. to Blaine 15000 cm²/g.
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