Sie suchten nach: Zellkultur-Platten

Regardless of the biological cell type, cell culture treated plates create required conditions and environments ideal for optimum growth. Optically clear for maximum visual assaying capability, the dishes are available in round, flat, or v shaped bottom styles. Different treatment options support specific surface modifications for cell attachment or suspension. Lids securely protect samples placed in the multiple well plates during screening, experiments, and storage. Tissue Culture-Treated is used with other serum-supplemented media to culture anchorage-dependent mammalian cells. Using any size cell culture plate yields consistent and reproducible results.

Regardless of the biological cell type, cell culture treated plates create required conditions and environments ideal for optimum growth. Optically clear for maximum visual assaying capability, the dishes are available in round, flat, or v shaped bottom styles. Different treatment options support specific surface modifications for cell attachment or suspension. Lids securely protect samples placed in the multiple well plates during screening, experiments, and storage. Tissue Culture-Treated is used with other serum-supplemented media to culture anchorage-dependent mammalian cells. Using any size cell culture plate yields consistent and reproducible results.

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Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) and Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) are synthetic compounds that enhance cell adhesion and protein absorption by altering surface charges on the culture substrate. In addition to promoting cell adhesion, poly-lysine surface treatments support neurite outgrowth and improve the survival of many central nervous system (CNS) primary cells in culture. As PDL and PLL are synthetic molecules, they do not stimulate biological activity in the cells cultured on them, and they do not introduce impurities carried by natural polymers.
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Collagen I, found in most tissues and organs, is most plentiful in dermis, tendon, and bone. It is an integral part of the framework that holds cells and tissues together and has been recognized as a useful matrix for improving cell culture. in vitro use of collagen can exert effects on the adherence, morphology, growth, migration, and differentiation of a variety of cell types.

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Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: The CELLSTAR® OneWell Plate™ is designed for use in applications involving the cultivation of large quantities of cells. Made from PS.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Type IV Collagen is a ubiquitous component in basement membranes and provides the major structural support for this matrix. When the Collagen IV meshwork is assembled, it provides a scaffold for the assembly of other basement membrane components through interactions with laminin, entactin/nidogen, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan. Collagen IV is useful as a substrate for growth of epithelial, endothelial, muscle, and nerve cells. Collagen plays a role in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation and adhesion, as well as tissue formation
Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: VWR® Multiwell-Zellkulturplatten sind mit verschiedenen Oberflächenbehandlungen erhältlich.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: PS, beschichtet mit Gelatine (vom Schwein). Corning® BioCoat™ Gelatine ist ein anhaftungs- und wachstumsförderndes Trägermaterial für Kulturen verschiedenster Zelltypen. Gelatine ist ein häufig verwendetes Material für Kulturen normaler und transfizierter Zelltypen, darunter vaskuläre Endothelzellen, Muskelzellen, embryonale Stammzellen (ES-Zellen) und F9-Teratokarzinomzellen.

Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PS, mit Deckel, steril. Multiwell-Platten für Zellkulturen sind entweder mit einer physikalisch behandelten Oberfläche (für adhärente Zellkulturen) oder mit einer hydrophoben Oberfläche (für Suspensionskulturen und Hybridomzellen) verfügbar. Alle Platten sind als frei von RNase, DNase und humaner DNA zertifiziert, sind nicht pyrogen und nicht zytotoxisch.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PS, cell culture-treated, sterile. All plates are certified free of RNase, DNase and human DNA, are non-pyrogenic and non-cytotoxic.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PS, beschichtet mit Kollagen Typ I, Rattenschwanz. Kollagen Typ I ist ein extrazelluläres Matrixprotein, das <i>in vivo</i> beeinflusst unter anderem Adhäsion, Migration und Proliferation. Viele ansonsten schwer zu kultivierende Zellen haften an Kollagen Typ I und zeigen ein positives Wachstumsverhalten. Bei bestimmten Zelllinien hat Kollagen Typ I auch einen Einfluss auf die Differenzierung und Morphologie.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PS, zellkulturbehandelt, steril. Alle Platten sind als frei von RNase, DNase und humaner DNA zertifiziert, sind nicht pyrogen und nicht zytotoxisch.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Merck
Beschreibung: Millicell cell culture insert plates are a patented device designed to support cell growth and differentiation of endothelial and epithelial cell lines, including CaCo-2.

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Corning ECM mimetic surfaces and substrates contain biologically active, synthetic, animal-free peptides that have been rationally designed to mimic the cell attachment motifs of native ECM proteins. The peptides enable optimal cell binding and signaling in a broad range of serum-free, xeno-free, and animal-free media formulations, supporting the propagation and differentiation of a range of stem, progenitor and primary cell types.
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Corning PureCoat™ amine (positively charged) and carboxyl (negatively charged) surfaces provide improved cell attachment, faster cell proliferation, and enhanced recovery post-thaw over standard TC surfaces.
Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Corning® BioCoat®, Cell culture plate, 96-Well-Mikroplatten, Poly-L-Ornithin/Laminin-beschichtet
Artikel-Nr: (734-0116)
Lieferant: Corning
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 354409
Beschreibung: Corning® BioCoat®, Zellkulturplatte, 96-Well-Platte
UOM: 1 * 5 ST

Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Einzelwell-Zellkulturplatten aus transparentem PS sind in plasmabehandelter Ausführung für konsistente Zellhaftung und optimales Wachstum erhältlich, oder in unbehandelter Ausführung für Anwendungen, in denen keine Zellanhaftung gewünscht ist.

Environmentally Preferable

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