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Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-40834)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-40834
Beschreibung: The Adenovirus BioProbe® labeled probe is prepared by nick translation of cloned fragments of the adenovirus 5 genome. The fragments constitute a tota...
UOM: 1 * 2 µG

Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-42730-31)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-42730-31
Beschreibung: Terminal labeling is an ideal procedure for the labeling of oligonucleotides with haptens such as biotin or fluorescein. An oligonucleotide can be syn...
UOM: 1 * 25 Tests

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Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-42730-33)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-42730-33
Beschreibung: Terminal labeling is an ideal procedure for the labeling of oligonucleotides with haptens such as biotin or fluorescein. An oligonucleotide can be syn...
UOM: 1 * 25 Tests

Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-42730)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-42730
Beschreibung: The procedure for labeling of DNA probes with a polynucleotide "tail" containing hapten-labeled nucleotides was developed by Enzo. In such terminal la...
UOM: 1 * 25 Tests

Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-40840)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-40840
Beschreibung: Negative control probe for in situ hybridization.
UOM: 1 * 2 µG

Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-40835)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-40835
Beschreibung: The Cytomegalovirus (CMV) BioProbe® labeled probe is prepared by nick translation of cloned fragments of the CMV Towne strain. The fragments include a...
UOM: 1 * 2 µG

Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-40847)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-40847
Beschreibung: The JC Virus BioProbe® labeled probe is prepared by nick translation of a clone of the entire JC virus genome. JC virus, a member of the papovavirus f...
UOM: 1 * 2 ST

Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-40848)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-40848
Beschreibung: The BK Virus BioProbe® labeled probe is prepared by nick translation of a clone of the entire BK virus genome. BK virus, a simian polyoma virus, is re...
UOM: 1 * 2 ST

Artikel-Nr: (AGLS600037)
Lieferant: AGILENT
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 600037
Beschreibung: The universal reverse primer serves as the downstream primer in the qPCR reaction by annealing to a universal sequence tag that is added to the cDNA d...
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-42731)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-42731
Beschreibung: The procedure for labeling of DNA probes with a polynucleotide 'tail' containing hapten-labeled nucleotides was developed by Enzo. In such terminal la...
UOM: 1 * 25 Tests

Artikel-Nr: (ALEXENZ-40849)
Lieferant: Enzo Life Sciences
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ENZ-40849
Beschreibung: The Blur 8 BioProbe® labeled probe is prepared by nick translation of a clone of the human alu repeat sequence. Fragment size range: 100-1000 base pai...
UOM: 1 * 2 ST

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Oligo(dT)₁₈ primer is a synthetic single-stranded 18-mer oligonucleotide with 5'- and 3'-hydroxyl ends. The primer is supplied as a ready to use, 20X ...

Artikel-Nr: (SO142)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : SO142
Beschreibung: Random hexamer primer is a mixture of single-stranded random hexanucleotides with 5'- and 3'-hydroxyl ends. The primer is supplied as a ready to use, ...
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Artikel-Nr: (69831-3)
Lieferant: Merck Millipore (Novagen)
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 69831-3
Beschreibung: The Mouse Ig-Primer Set is designed for amplification of immunoglobulin (Ig) variable region cDNAs. Mammalian light- and heavy-chain Igs contain conse...
UOM: 1 * 1 SET

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