Sie suchten nach: Immunologie-Mikrotiterplatten

Immunology microplates and strips are used to study the physical, chemical, and physiological characteristics in immune systems at the organism level. The preassembled plates in different well strip matrixes offer different alternatives in the even treatments. Available in medium or high binding options, the assaying devices accommodate molecules with hydrophobic and hydrophilic tendencies. The nonsterile or sterile immunology microplates and strips may come in different coloured manufacturing to adapt to ELISA, RIA, and FIA protocols.

Immunology microplates and strips are used to study the physical, chemical, and physiological characteristics in immune systems at the organism level. The preassembled plates in different well strip matrixes offer different alternatives in the even treatments. Available in medium or high binding options, the assaying devices accommodate molecules with hydrophobic and hydrophilic tendencies. The nonsterile or sterile immunology microplates and strips may come in different coloured manufacturing to adapt to ELISA, RIA, and FIA protocols.

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Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Designed specifically for immunoassay applications.


Lieferant: Greiner Bio-One
Beschreibung: PS, without lid. Streptavidin coated solid phases serve as reliable binding surfaces for all types of biotinylated molecules. Numerous ligands can be biotinylated simply and reliably, and due to the low molecular weight of biotin (244 Da), the functionality of the molecules is normally not impaired. Thus streptavidin-coated solid phases make it possible to simply and rapidly isolate, determine and quantify components from a reaction mixture. By immobilising the biotinylated substance, it is also possible to reproduce complete reaction chains on a streptavidin solid phase, for example, enzyme immunoassays, enzyme activity assays, DNA hybridisation techniques, quantification of PCR products, and receptor/ligand studies.

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Artikel-Nr: (ENZOADI800144)
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ADI800144
Beschreibung: Clear plates designed for ELISA and colorimetric detection.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

New Product

Artikel-Nr: (ENZOADI801930)
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : ADI801930
Beschreibung: This ImmunoSet® plate rack is a convenient set of five 96 well, clear, high-binding, polystyrene plates and 5 plate sealers.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

New Product

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, unsteril, ohne Deckel. Mit verschiedenen Oberflächenbehandlungen erhältlich: aminierte Oberfläche für eine schnelle Kupplung von Peptiden und Proteinen; Streptavidin-beschichtete Oberfläche für die schnelle Kupplung von biotinylierten Biomolekülen wie Peptiden, Antikörpern, Oligonukleotiden oder Haptenen. Außerdem verfügbar in transparenter Ausführung für kolorimetrische Assays und zur Probenaufbewahrung, in weiß für Lumineszenz- und Fluoreszenz-Assays sowie in schwarz für Fluoreszenz-Assays.

Lieferant: Corning
Beschreibung: Corning® Stripwell™ microplates may be used in a variety of laboratory assays. The flat bottom strips are designed to easily break apart and are pre-assembled in an 'egg-crate' style strip holder that allows each individual well to be positioned back into the microplate once broken.
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Pierce™ streptavidin coated PS microplates are ideal for binding assays using biotinylated antibodies. High binding capacity (HBC) plates provide a wider detection range and better curve linearity for small biotinylated ligands, such as peptides and oligonucleotides, than the standard coated plates. Available in clear for colorimetric assays, white for chemiluminescent assays, and black for fluorescent assays.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Pierce™ Antibody coated plates are ideal for binding assays when available antibodies are in low quantities or they denature and become inactive upon direct adsorption to polystyrene plates. Clear plates for colorimetric ELISA and other assays. White plates for chemiluminescent. Black plates for fluorescent assays.

Artikel-Nr: (PIER15151)
Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 15151
Beschreibung: Biotin coated plates can be used as the basis for a variety of biomolecular assay techniques requiring the immobilisation of probes that are conjugated with streptavidin, avidin, or other biotin-binding proteins.
UOM: 1 * 5 ST

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, streptavidin coated high sensitivity plates maximise capture efficiency of biotinylated probes and control background in assays for low levels of target analyte.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, with lid, non sterile. The low profile design and 10 µl well volume make these plates ideal for serological applications.

Environmentally Preferable

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Pierce™ streptavidin coated PS microplates are ideal for binding assays using biotinylated antibodies. High binding capacity (HBC) plates provide a wider detection range and better curve linearity for small biotinylated ligands, such as peptides and oligonucleotides, than the standard coated plates. Available in clear for colorimetric assays, white for chemiluminescent assays, and black for fluorescent assays.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, mit MaxiSorp™ oder PolySorp™ behandelter Oberfläche. Für fluoreszenz- und lumineszenzbasierte Immuno- und Bindungstests. Wahlweise erhältlich mit einer zertifizierten MaxiSorp™ Oberfläche mit hoher Affinität zu Molekülen mit gemischten hydrophilen/hydrophoben Bereichen oder einer PolySorp™ Oberfläche, die weniger polar als MaxiSorp™ ist und eine Affinität für vermehrt hydrophobe Moleküle aufweist.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: These Ni(2+) chelate-coated plates are ideal for analysing polyhistidine-tagged fusion proteins by ELISA-based methods. Proteins that contain a succession of several histidine residues at the amino or carboxyl terminus have a strong binding affinity for metal. Bacterial lysates containing polyhistidine-tagged fusion proteins can be added directly to the plates without the need for blocking. The clear, white or black plates can be used with colorimetric, chemiluminescent or fluorescent detection methods, respectively.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: PS, NeutrAvidin™ coated plates for binding biotinylated antibodies or probes for ELISA and other target-specific assays.

Lieferant: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beschreibung: Microlite™ Mikroplatten sind dicht pigmentiert, um Übersprechen zu minimieren und eine hohe Reflektivität zu gewährleisten. Diese Eigenschaften sind ideal für intensive Lumineszenzreaktionen, bei denen die Lichtleitung ein Problem darstellen kann, oder für minimale Lumineszenztests, bei denen selbst eine winzige Lichtmenge die Ergebnisse beeinträchtigen könnte.

Environmentally Preferable

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