Sie suchten nach: Autoklaven (Dampfsterilisatoren)

Autoclaves are essential for decontamination and sterilization processes for precise testing. Autoclave sterilization uses elevated temperature and pressure to create steam, which acts as the sterilization agent. Laboratory autoclaves and industrial autoclaves operate at higher sterilizing temperatures creating steam with less than 3% of moisture, which guarantees an ideal sterilization time. The steam sterilizers reintroduce sterility to equipment, reusable instruments, and materials to avoid adulterated results caused by unclean testing components. Higher temperature for a minimal sterilization time kills microorganisms. For sterilization, moist heat in the form of saturated steam under pressure is the most widely used. Working well with solids, liquids, and hollows, the safe steaming machines come in free-standing or benchtop styles. Choose between manually controlled analog autoclaves and electronically controlled models, for fast, dependable processing. Apart from laboratory sterilization autoclaves are widely used to sterilize dental and medical equipment and surgical instruments.

Autoclaves are essential for decontamination and sterilization processes for precise testing. Autoclave sterilization uses elevated temperature and pressure to create steam, which acts as the sterilization agent. Laboratory autoclaves and industrial autoclaves operate at higher sterilizing temperatures creating steam with less than 3% of moisture, which guarantees an ideal sterilization time. The steam sterilizers reintroduce sterility to equipment, reusable instruments, and materials to avoid adulterated results caused by unclean testing components. Higher temperature for a minimal sterilization time kills microorganisms. For sterilization, moist heat in the form of saturated steam under pressure is the most widely used. Working well with solids, liquids, and hollows, the safe steaming machines come in free-standing or benchtop styles. Choose between manually controlled analog autoclaves and electronically controlled models, for fast, dependable processing. Apart from laboratory sterilization autoclaves are widely used to sterilize dental and medical equipment and surgical instruments.

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Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Benutzerfreundlicher, automatischer, flexibler und zuverlässiger Autoklav für alle Standard-Laborverfahren, mit einigen Spezialfunktionen wie F₀-Berechnung und Flüssigsterilisation mit flexiblem Temperaturfühler (für das 50 L Modell).

Lieferant: TUTTNAUER
Beschreibung: The Classic is reliable and trusted worldwide, designed to give you the most cost effective sterilisation solution. This light, compact, portable and robust top loading autoclave is simple to use, fully automatic with easy, one touch operation and guaranteed to meet your needs.

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Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Autoklav für den gelegentlichen Gebrauch. AISI 304 Edelstahlgehäuse, einfach zu warten und zu desinfizieren, Innenkammer aus Aluminium und isolierender Deckel aus ABS mit Verriegelungssystem.


Artikel-Nr: (481-2004)
Lieferant: TUTTNAUER
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 2540EL-EU
Beschreibung: Horizontal and vertical autoclave with automatic control. The chamber is constructed of long lasting 316L/Ti grade stainless steel with superior corrosion resistance; the generator is made from stainless steel.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: TUTTNAUER
Beschreibung: The T-Classic plus gauged autoclave is ideal for effective sterilization at a higher temperature. Complete with gauges to show pressure and temperature, this autoclave is designed for laboratory use and with its simple one touch operation, it is guaranteed to meet your sterilization needs.

Lieferant: TUTTNAUER
Beschreibung: Tuttnauer's ML laboratory line of semi-automatic, electro-mechanically controlled, vertical steam sterilizers provide safe, economical and effective sterilization. The semi-automatic laboratory autoclave series is an affordable sterilizer for laboratories that do not want to compromise on quality, safety and reliability and need to sterilize loads with low sensitivity. The semi-automatic series is available in vertical or benchtop models and in chamber sizes ranging from 23 to 160 litres. The ML models have a semi-automatic control panel, ML models have a manual control panel. The chamber is constructed of long lasting 316L grade stainless steel with superior corrosion resistance. The generator is made from stainless steel.
Sterilisation applications: Lliquids such as nutrient media and buffer solutions, solid items such as pipettes, tubes and filters, glassware and plastic articles.

Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: VAPOUR-Line Autoklaven für Anwendungen wie z. B.: Flüssigkeiten in offenen oder leicht verschlossenen Behältern, Instrumente und Feststoffe, unverpackte und Abfall-Sterilisation (nicht DIN-58951-konform).

Lieferant: VWR Collection
Beschreibung: Diese Autoklaven sind ideal für Medien-, Geräte- und Abfallsterilisation. Konzipiert für Labors mit Sicherheitsstufen, ausgestattet mit Abluftfiltration (Option FA). Diese schützt Benutzer und die Umgebung vor Keimen und gentechnisch verändertem Material, die vom Autoklav in das Labor während der Entlüftungsphase ausgegeben werden.

Beschreibung: Diese kompakten Tischgeräte bieten mit einer Kammer von 25 Litern Nutzvolumen eine große Kapazität und die Leistung eines großen Autoklaven. Das Gerät weist eine Kammertür und eine transparente Frontplatte aus widerstandsfähigem Sicherheitsglas, eine LED-Kammerbeleuchtung und eine farbige Beleuchtung zur Visualisierung des Zyklusfortschrittes auf. Es ist kein Anschluss für Speisewasser oder Abwasser erforderlich. Bei einigen Modellen ist ein Gebläse für Schnellkühlung vorhanden; der Benutzer muss nur den Stecker einstecken und kann beginnen. Gehäuse pulverbeschichtet, Kammer aus Edelstahl, Kammertür aus hitzebeständigem Sicherheitsglas.

Lieferant: TUTTNAUER
Beschreibung: Tuttnauer's laboratory autoclaves are ideal for a wide range of applications in various fields, such as research institutes, universities, pharmaceutical, food, medical and biotechnological industries. This advanced laboratory line is a quality range of reliable bench top (front loading) and vertical (top loading) models with chamber volumes from 28 to 160 litres that provides a single solution for the full spectrum of sterilisation needs. The autoclaves can be fully configured from general use to customer-specific applications. Units from either the Essential or Hi End ranges can be customised with various different optional features to meet more specific or demanding applications.

Lieferant: TUTTNAUER
Beschreibung: Die Laborautoklaven von Tuttnauer decken ein breites Anwendungsspektrum ab, und sind für viele unterschiedliche Bereiche, wie Forschungsinstitute, Universitäten und die Pharma-, Lebensmittel-, Medizin- und Biotechnologieindustrie geeignet. Die fortschrittliche Labor-Serie ist in einem umfassenden Portfolio hochwertiger, zuverlässiger Tischmodelle (Frontbeladung) und vertikaler Modelle (Beladung von oben) mit Kammervolumen von 23 bis 160 Litern erhältlich, und bietet damit eine Lösung für das gesamte Spektrum der Sterilisationsanforderungen. Die Autoklaven können vollständig konfiguriert werden, von der allgemeinen bis hin zu kundenspezifischen Anwendungen. Die Geräte der Reihen Essential oder Hi End können mit verschiedenen Ausstattungsoptionen individuell an spezifischere oder anspruchsvollere Anwendungen angepasst werden. Der Sterilisationstemperaturbereich reicht von 105 bis 138 °C.

Lieferant: TUTTNAUER
Beschreibung: Affordable performance and trusted reliability for your laboratory sterilisation needs. These compact units sterilise liquids, solids, sealed and unsealed bottles providing performance and quality in a small space. The units have a cylindrical chamber which makes them easier to operate, less expensive to maintain, and more reliable over a longer working life.

Lieferant: TUTTNAUER
Beschreibung: The T-Edge 10 and T-Edge 11 are space-saving tabletop autoclaves that give you high speed Class B performance saving you time so you can assist your patients, while meeting current international standards and regulatory requirements to protect your staff and patients.

Lieferant: Priorclave
Beschreibung: These autoclaves combine a huge internal capacity with a small floor area and are ideally suited for use in a wide range of sterilising applications such as media preparation, liquids and diluent, waste, glassware, instruments and apparatus. They are extensively used within many industries, including food, drink, dairy, pharmaceutical, agricultural, education, healthcare, research establishments and industry. All Priorclaves come complete with Biomaster antimicrobial coating, helping improved laboratory hygiene; it is effective against all bacteria and fungi including MRSA and therefore helps minimise the risk of cross contamination.

Lieferant: Priorclave
Beschreibung: Compact 40 benchtop and Compact 60 floor standing or benchtop autoclaves for the low volume user, with flexible operation usually only available in larger autoclave units. This flexibility is delivered by the TACTROL™ microprocessor control system, specially developed for laboratory autoclaves, with programming ranging from simple cycles to fully featured multi-program operation with logged records. All Priorclaves come complete with Biomaster antimicrobial coating, helping improved laboratory hygiene; it is effective against all bacteria and fungi including MRSA and therefore helps minimise the risk of cross contamination.

Lieferant: Priorclave
Beschreibung: These versatile autoclaves are fully equipped for use in laboratories throughout the food, drink, dairy, health and pharmaceutical industries and offer a wide range of options and accessories to further improve their performance to suit individual load types. This flexibility is enhanced by the TACTROL™ microprocessor control system, specially developed for laboratory autoclaves, with progamming ranging from simple cycles to fully featured multi-program operation with logged records. All Priorclaves come complete with Biomaster antimicrobial coating, helping improved laboratory hygiene; it is effective against all bacteria and fungi including MRSA and therefore helps minimise the risk of cross contamination.

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