Sie suchten nach: Aufschluss-Systeme

Studying organic matter and the decomposition of chemical compounds is significantly easier when using the mineralization workstations. Used routinely in the agriculture industry, the devices can monitor trace metals present, treat sludge for purer water samples, or improve the nutrient absorption capabilities in plants. Accommodating multiple digestion samples at any given time, the mineralization workstations can precisely control temperature levels to create conditions similar to the field for inorganic conversion.

Studying organic matter and the decomposition of chemical compounds is significantly easier when using the mineralization workstations. Used routinely in the agriculture industry, the devices can monitor trace metals present, treat sludge for purer water samples, or improve the nutrient absorption capabilities in plants. Accommodating multiple digestion samples at any given time, the mineralization workstations can precisely control temperature levels to create conditions similar to the field for inorganic conversion.

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Lieferant: Bohlender
Beschreibung: Dimensionally stable basic vessel and screw cover made of TFM, homogenous, non porous surface.

Beschreibung: Eine Reihe von Thermoreaktoren zum Aufschluss von Proben für eine Reihe von Analysen, wie CSB, Schwermetall, nicht-metallische Elemente. Der ECO 6 bietet die Möglichkeit, einen optionalen Adapter* für jede Position zu verwenden, um drei Röhrchen mit Ø 16 mm aufzunehmen.

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Beschreibung: Vollautomatische Blockaufschlusseinheiten nach Kjeldahl zur Stickstoffanalyse und Proteinbestimmung mit der TEMS™ Technologie für Einsparungen in Bezug auf Zeit, Energie (bis zu 35%), Geld und Platz. Das Gerät enthält ebenfalls einen Aluminiumblock für absolute Temperaturhomogenität und zeigt sehr gute Leitfähigkeit für ein schnelles Ansprechen bis 450 °C. Das Gerät verfügt über ein LCD mit Anzeige der Verfahrensschritte in Echtzeit und einer Auswahl von bis zu sechs Sprachen. Es stehen 54 Programme zur Verfügung, von denen 30 Programme vorinstalliert und 24 Programme benutzerdefiniert sind. Alle erforderlichen Elemente werden in einer Packung geliefert.

Lieferant: Cole Parmer
Beschreibung: Easy-to-use external controllers feature automatic shut-off, alarms,and ability to save profi les with ramp and soak settings. Order heating block and control.

New Product

Beschreibung: DK digesters are traditional digesters, consisting of an aluminium heating block that offers excellent thermal homogeneity, heating up to 450 °C, providing accuracy and minimum energy consumption. DK Series Digesters are suitable for Kjeldahl digestion applications and selected models can be combined with accessories to perform COD and metal determination applications.

Artikel-Nr: (458-0022)
Lieferant: BUCHI
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 038520
Beschreibung: The model K-438 is additionally equipped with an automatically controllable lift for the raising and lowering of sample tubes. This provides a completely automatic digestion. The control software provides two versions: a manual entry of digestion time and temperature, followed by an immediate start or programming temperature and time with the opportunity for a delayed start.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: BUCHI
Beschreibung: The B-411/ E-416 hydrolysis unit has been designed to carry out acidic hydrolysis of food and feed samples prior to solvent extraction.The hydrolysis procedure is required in a number of AOAC official methods to determine fat content of food samples including cheese, seafood, dressings, meat.

Lieferant: BUCHI
Beschreibung: Digestion of protein samples with sulphuric acid and catalyst requires prolonged periods of heating and is traditionally carried out in block heaters. The SpeedDigester design features IR heating that provides fast preheating and cool down. The models described below provide a range of flexible options with different levels of sophistication and control.

Artikel-Nr: (BEHRB00217639)
Lieferant: BEHR
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : B00217639
Beschreibung: In the behrotest® nitrogen station, solvent is evaporated under ambient temperature conditions by using a mild nitrogen flow. A distributor leads the nitrogen flow through two individually adjustable tubes into the Kuderna-Danish flasks. Thus the two samples reduce simulataneously.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (705-0024)
Lieferant: BEHR
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : B00218115
Beschreibung: Das DGC-Ergänzungsset umfasst folgende Elemente:
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: BEHR
Beschreibung: behrotest® InKjel digestion models are equipped with a high performance infrared heater.

Artikel-Nr: (BEHRB00217638)
Lieferant: BEHR
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : B00217638
Beschreibung: Die komplette Clean-up-Station kommt mit Tropftrichter, Clean-up-Säule mit Glasfritte, Reduzierkolben und Ständer.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Artikel-Nr: (705-0561)
Lieferant: Hach
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : LTV077
Beschreibung: This digestion system has high speed digestion technology for fast and cost effective digestion in 15 min.
UOM: 1 * 1 ST

Lieferant: GERHARDT
Beschreibung: These high-precision, programmable digestion units are ideal for Kjeldahl digestion in 100, 250 or 400 ml digestion tubes. Depending on the sample volume, you can choose between 8-, 20- or 40- place systems.

Artikel-Nr: (PARR4749)
Lieferant: PARR
Hersteller Artikel Nummer : 4749
Beschreibung: Digestion system designed to work with strong mineral acids, organic acids and other oxidizing acids. By using this vessel samples can be dissloved or digested rapidly, for all types of process. It can use at higher temperatures and pressures, and provided with safety blow-out protection as well.
UOM: 1 * 1 Un.

Beschreibung: Schnellverascher für Einzel- und Serienveraschungen fester und flüssiger Proben. Temperaturbereich bis 950 °C.

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