RPMI 1640 Medium Modified without L-Glutamine, without Amino acids, Glucose, Phenol Red (Powder)

Lieferant: US Biological

USBIR9010-02-10LEA 263 CHF
RPMI 1640 Medium Modified without L-Glutamine, without Amino acids, Glucose, Phenol Red (Powder)

RPMI-1640 was developed by Moore et. al. at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, hence the acronym RPMI.

  • Appearance: White to light yellow homogenous, free flowing powder
  • Solubility: Colourless, clear, complete
  • Endotoxin: ≤1 EU/ml

Directions per Liter: Dissolve 7,4 grams in 900 ml of ddH₂O stirring gently until completely solubilised. Do NOT heat. If required, add 2 g sodium bicarbonate with stirring. Adjust pH of the medium to 0,1 to 0,3 pH unit below the desired pH. Add additional water to bring the solution to 1 L. Filter-sterilise using a 0,22 µm membrane. Aliquot into sterile containers.

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