Micro particles based on polystyrene, analytical standard, Supelco®

Lieferant: Merck

74491-10ML-F 74491-5ML-F 74964-10ML-F 74964-5ML-F 79807-5ML-F 84135-10ML-F 84135-5ML-F
74491-10ML-FEA 489 CHF
74491-10ML-F 74491-5ML-F 74964-10ML-F 74964-5ML-F 79807-5ML-F 84135-10ML-F 84135-5ML-F
Micro particles based on polystyrene, analytical standard, Supelco®
Standards Partikelgrößenanalyse-Standards

For every lot exact values of particle size and standard deviation are determined with an accuracy of 0,01 μm using a Coulter Multisizer.

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Environmentally Preferable
M-Clarity Qualitätsstufe MQ100

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